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In the age of technology, where millions of consumers are all after the next, best, and latest electronics, have you thought about what happens to all of the obsolete gadgets? According to the EPA, only 12.5% of electronics waste is recycled. Think about how many iPods, cellphones, and laptops are in our landfills. 

When you get the new iPhone or replace your old Fitbit, consider these responsible recycling options rather than putting them out with the trash. 

  1. Sell/Donate – just because you are done using the item doesn’t mean your electronic is at the end of its life. If your older model gadget still works, consider donating or selling the item. As the saying goes, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Extending a product’s life cycle (electronics or otherwise) is a great opportunity for your community and our planet. 
  2. Electronics Recycling Program – if your device is no longer working, there is likely an organization in your area that responsibly recycles electronics. Many offer locations for drop-off as well as pick-up options. 

Recycling your electronics at the end of their life, rather than adding them to the landfill, is important for many reasons.  

Recover resources: Many of the components of your electronics, like glass, gold, silver, and copper, can be reused. These components are recovered in the recycling process to be reused and help reduce our carbon footprint. 

Safety: That lithium battery put into a garbage truck on its way to the landfill may pose the same flammable risk as when it was packaged nicely on its way to you on the Amazon truck, except this time, it’s not labeled, and no one is aware of its potential hazards.  

Security: Personal data is important to keep secure. Electronic recycling programs safely and securely destroy personal data stored on hardware by shredding and recycling into small particles promptly so that your information stays safe and out of the wrong hands. 

So next time you change the batteries in your remote or replace your tech gadget with the newest version, remember to dispose of these items responsibly.

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EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Label –
Black on White, 0.5″ x 0.5″, Gloss Paper, 500/Roll

EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Label –
White on Black, 0.5″ x 0.5″, Gloss Paper, 500/Roll