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ICC aide les étudiants de Concordia à atteindre les étoiles

Le Centre de Conformité ICC s’efforce de trouver de nouveaux moyens pour augmenter la sécurité pour les travailleurs et dans...

ICC Helps Concordia Students Reach for the Stars

ICC Compliance Center (ICC) is constantly striving to find new ways to help keep workers and workplaces safe, but our...

Choosing the correct 4GV

4GV Packaging has made shipping dangerous goods easier domestically and internationally for shippers with a wide variety of inner containers...

Michael Zendano

Choisir le bon emballage 4GV

L’emballage 4GV a facilité l’expédition de marchandises dangereuses au pays et à l’étranger grâce à sa gamme de contenants intérieurs...

Michael Zendano

La géographie et le règlement sur les marchandises dangereuses

Saviez-vous que le Groenland fait partie du Royaume du Danemark? Vous vous demandez donc maintenant quel est le rapport entre...

Karrie Ishmael, CDGP

Geography and the Dangerous Goods Regulations

Did you know that Greenland is part of the Kingdom of Denmark? So, you now ask yourself; what does this...

Karrie Ishmael, CDGP


When the Regulation Needs Clarification

Did you ever receive an instruction manual that is designed to tell you how to assemble something when you make...

Michael Zendano

Qu’est-ce que la transformation du TMD ?

Bonjour tous le monde ! De retour avec un blog qui nous espérons saura vous informer sur ce qui se...

What is the TDG transformation?

Hello, everyone! We’re back with a blog that we hope will keep you updated on what’s happening with the Canadian...

Changements importants à venir concernant les batteries au lithium en 2022

Lors de la réunion du conseil d’administration du mois de mai 2021, l’IATA a décidé de retirer l’option de batteries...

Karrie Ishmael, CDGP

Big changes coming for Lithium Batteries in 2022

In their May 2021 board meeting, IATA decided to remove the Section II lithium battery option from the Dangerous Goods...

Karrie Ishmael, CDGP

Global Dangerous Goods Logistics Market Projected to Grow

In addition to the various dangerous goods regulations being updated year by year, the need to ship dangerous goods is...

Michael Zendano

French Articles


Overpack FAQ

Labeling FAQ

DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms

DG / HazMat Industry Acronyms Have you ever spoken with a seasoned Hazmat professional who is seemingly talking in gibberish??...

Limited Quantity FAQ

Lithium Batteries FAQ

Documentation FAQ

TDG Regulations FAQ

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