IMDG Publications

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IMDG Code Publications

The IMDG Code is written in conjunction with government regulations under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and was developed as a uniform international code for the transport of dangerous goods by sea covering such matters as packing, container traffic and stowage, with particular reference to the segregation of incompatible substances.

The IMDG Code is a two-volume set that lays down basic principles on the transport of dangerous goods by sea. It contains detailed recommendations for individual substances, materials and articles and a number of recommendations for good operational practice, including advice on terminology, packing, labelling, stowage, segregation and handling and emergency response action.

Although the information in the Code is directed primarily at the mariner, its provisions may affect a range of industries and services, such as manufacturers, packers, shippers, feeder services such as road and rail and port authorities.

The IMDG Code Supplement that focuses on fires and spillage emergencies, contains several texts related to the IMDG Code, such as the Revised Emergency Response Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods (EmS Guide) and the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods (MFAG).