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Are You Ready to Update Your Safety Data Sheet?

By May 23, 2023June 1st, 2023OSHA/WHMIS/CLP

Are You Ready to Update Your Safety Data Sheet?

One question you might be asking yourself is, “Is my Safety Data Sheet (SDS) up to date?” Basically, what it comes down to is if your safety data sheet is compliant with government regulations. This could be broken down into different aspects.

One aspect that this blog will focus on is, “When do safety data sheets require updating?”  To some, there is still some confusion around updating your SDS. Basically, an SDS requires an update if any of the following apply:

  • Is there new data that needs to be added?
  • Has the formulation changed?
  • Has a chemical been re-classified?
  • Have new exposure limits/data been evaluated for a chemical?
  • Any changes to regulations that would require the need to introduce new classifications or alter the format of the SDS?

In the United States this is referred to as “Significant Information.”  According to Hazcom 2012, there is no specific definition, however, there are several references that outline the use of significant information.

In Canada, this is called “Significant new data.”  According to the Hazardous Products Regulations, Section 5.12 (1), this is referred to as, “any new data regarding hazard by a hazardous product that change its classification in a category or subcategory of a hazard class, or result in its classification in another class, or change the methods to protect against the hazard presented by the hazardous product.”

One main difference between US and Canada, in Canada, most people believe that it is mandatory to update your SDS every 3 years. Technically the new Hazardous Products Regulations that went in in 2015 has removed this requirement. However, federally regulated employees must still make an attempt to obtain an SDS every 3 years and make a record of it. In the US there is no such mandate at a federal level to review an SDS every 3 years.

Do you have any questions about SDSs? Contact our SDS Authoring Specialists, they can help you keep your Safety Data Sheets up to date.


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