Initial and Recurrent hazardous materials/dangerous goods training as required under the IATA, IMDG, 49 CFR, GHS, TDG and WHMIS regulations.
We provide hazardous materials / dangerous goods training on a variety of topics, including shipping by air, ground, sea, biological substances, dry ice, OSHA and WHMIS regulations.
Training Courses

Shipping Hazardous Materials by Ground & Air in the U.S.A.
Classroom & Online courses available

Shipping Hazardous Materials by Ground in the U.S.A.
Virtual Live, Classroom & Online courses available

Shipping Dangerous Goods by Sea (IMDG Code)
Virtual Live, Classroom & Online courses available
Hazardous materials / dangerous goods training supplies that will reinforce the training your employees have recieved.
Making sure your employees receive the required hazardous materials training is vital in avoiding fines. Our hazardous materials training kits can help your employees learn how to ship hazardous materials by ground (TDG and 49 CFR), air, sea, and how to follow the WHMIS regulations.
Our experienced staff can develop and deliver many types of programs geared to your particular dangerous goods and hazardous materials requirements (products, modes of transport, shipping systems, etc.), together with practical suggestions for effective implementation.
When is an on-site training course right for you?
Customized Programs
If you are handling specialized materials, deal with multiple modes of transport, or training workers on your company’s specific procedures, ICC Compliance Center customizes courses to provide the best education for your employees. Before conducting the seminar, we analyze the particular requirements of your company and supply seminar materials as references and resources to participants according to your needs.
Customized for You
Our experienced training staff can develop and deliver many types of programs geared to your particular requirements, together with practical suggestions for effective implementation for products, modes of transport, and shipping systems.
Save on Cost
Sending individual employees to outside courses can be time-consuming and expensive. Our on-site training can help! ICC Compliance Center professional trainers are available to come to your location, saving travel and accommodation expenses. Relatively small groups can be trained more cost effectively with a focus on your company.
Increase the Retention Level of Employees
Studies have proven when training together, workers are able to learn more. The effects of sharing the training experience continue long after the seminar has ended. This is the key to effective training as well as successful acquisition and use of the knowledge learned in the course.